The World's first Conversational AI-based Intercom Voice Assistant

Ivy is the world's first conversational AI-based Intercom voice assistant designed to assist control room employees with routine tasks such as providing directions or locating a ticket machine. Since requests like these usually take up a lot of the employee's attention, Ivy enables them to focus on emergency cases and other special situations.

Take a look at the video and get to know Ivy:

Commend has developed Ivy as a way to provide increased customer service to end-users while supporting control room staff. Ivy is always available and answers precisely and without long waiting times. The Conversational AI technology goes far beyond the capabilities of a typical chatbot. Unlike a chatbot, which can only respond to predetermined phrases, Ivy Virtual Assistant utilizes natural language understanding to interpret and respond to open-ended questions.

Furthermore, Ivy can detect empty calls and recommendations for more efficiency can be derived from data analysis. The better the "artificial intelligence" is trained, the faster and better it can react, which in turn can be vital in emergency situations.

Commend's Ivy made a remarkable debut at ISC West, the leading US trade fair for security technology in Las Vegas. At the event, Commend Americas won the prestigious New Products and Solutions Award in the "Communications and Networking Solutions" category for Ivy, the world's first conversational AI-based Intercom voice assistant. Tim Kensell, Technical Director of Commend Americas, who had the pleasure of accepting the award during a spectacular ceremony event, said "I guess even Ivy is speechless now!"

Do you want to see what Ivy can do? Then book a demo now or click here to find out more.

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